"Did you like that, Eden? Because there will be a lot more of that." I turn to look at Jackson, who is smirking slightly.

"I'm not the only one you're marrying, Eden. You'll be marrying all 3 of us."

I stop breathing all together.

"Y-you can't do that. My father won't allow it!" I sit forward in my chair. This can't be real. This can not be real.

"Oh really? Eden, your father knew from the moment we proposed. Your whole family knows. Look at your engagement ring. It has three diamonds, one for each of us. So, yes I can. We can."

"Happy Birthday, Dear Eden. Happy Birthday To You!" I blew out the 18 candles surrounded by my friends and family. Mamma and Papa watch on from behind me, along with my two older siblings, Ramona and Enzo. Surprisingly, we're all born in October. Enzo is the 6th, I'm the 14th, and Ramona is the 23rd. Mamma said it wasn't planned that way, but somehow we were all conceived on or around her birthday, so we know otherwise.

In front of me sits most of my family. My cousins, aunts, and uncles show their support with cheers and lots of clapping. Papa even allowed me to invite some of my school friends. Only 3 came, but they're my closest friends so I couldn't be happier. I knew I wanted this birthday to be special, as it is the big 18. I don't look any older, but I feel older.

Mamma starts cutting the cake and a few people ask for pictures. I stand with Mariah, Becca, and Andrew, my friends from school. When Andrew swings his arm around my shoulder, I do notice Enzo swipe his hand along his hip, checking his strap. The glare I shoot at him only makes him scowl harder. He steps over to one of our cousins, Luca, and whispers something. I can't help but roll my eyes. He's always been way too overprotective. But I'm not worried about him, I'm worried about my friends. They're the only people here who don't know what my father does. Heck, they're the only people here who don't participate in my fathers business. So, my hesitancy is very warranted. Imagine what would happen if they found out that every man in this room has at least 2 weapons on them.

When I've taken an ungodly amount of pictures, Andrew pulls me aside, to the hallway that leads to the garage. He leans close, whispering in my ear, "This dress looks amazing on you, Eden." I can't help but blush. I honestly didn't expect Papa to let me wear it. The sweetheart neckline shows off my collarbone and even a little bit of cleavage. I might not be rocking with Double D's, but I do have boobs. The mint color complements not only my skintone, but also my eyes. They're hazel, but appear more brown.

"Thank you, Drew." I look up at him. Despite being 18, I've never been pecked. But the way he's looking at me makes me think he might want to change that.

He starts leaning in and my eyes flutter shut. Just as my lips graze his, a hand grabs my arm and yanks me. I stumble, tripping in my short heels. I look up and see it's my dear cousin, Luca. And my goodness, does he look murderous.

"Ah, Piccolo uovo. Zio Dante wants you in his study. I wouldn't keep him waiting. As for you," He points his finger at Andrew. "I'd suggest you leave now. And take the two girls with you." Andrew looks quite pale as he has now noticed the pistol peeking out of Luca's waistband. He plants a quick peck on my cheek. "I'll see you soon, Eden." I nod to him and he walks off. Great. I notice Luca is still staring at me. "What?" I asked, annoyed, pushing past him. This is only the seventeenth time he's ruined an opportunity to be a normal teenager.

"Were you going to peck him, Piccolo uovo?" I spin around fast, sticking my finger on his nose. "Stop calling me that, Luca. I'm going, so if you have something to say to me, please do it." I stare him down, yet his smirk never ceases. You walk around with an egg in your mouth one time and now your entire family is calling you little egg. One time!

"All I'm going to say is I'm sorry." I see an emotion that looks like regret or maybe even remorse flash through his eyes. And considering Luca is one person who never says sorry, I'm worried. I blink at him. "Why are you sorry?"

He shakes his head, before walking around me back to the group of people. Only my family is still here, as my friends were sent home. I walk past them to get to the study. Even though I'm not with them right then, they're still having fun. So many smiles. My steps slow when I notice a few men sitting outside his study. I don't recognize them and they're not Italian. But they are handsome. They all have fair skin but two of them have red hair. It's the perfect shade, not too bright and not too dark. The other one has brown hair that hits him just at the shoulder. And they're all staring at me. The older gentleman next to them just nods at me, before facing forward. I'm suddenly self conscious of what I look like. I curled my long brown hair and Becca made me put on a flower crown, but the humidity has grown my hair 3 times as large. I know my makeup is probably smudged from dancing and sweating all night. I must look like an absolute mess.

I awkwardly speed walk past them to the door and knock. I wait until I hear my fathers gruff "Come in." to enter.

I open the door only to see a group of my fathers closest men sitting scattered throughout the room. Enzo turns and when he sees it's me, smiles softly. Luca is still looking at me weird and my childhood bodyguard, Mateo, has his head in his hands. You'd think somebody died by the way everyone is acting.

Papa motions for me to sit in the chair in front of his desk. I walk slowly towards it, like it's a rabid dog ready to jump me. When I finally sit, Papa grabs my hand from across the desk. Ok, now I'm really worried. Dante Amato does not show affection.

My father is The Leader of The notorious Amato Clan. We stem out of New York, living rather peacefully among the Italian families of the Mafia. My brother and Luca, my cousin who my parents raised, work with Papa. I choose not to ask them any questions about their work, considering I'm not fond of blood or gore. It's quite ironic considering I've seen so much of it in my lifetime. Shoot, my 12th birthday party ended in a shootout. Nobody died, but there were more than enough magazine wounds that day. My mother still grieves her couch. But I say all this to say that I understand the lifestyle. I understand that we sell drugs, and guns, and have dirty money, and cover up businesses.

Which is why this moment is so scary.

"Piccolo uovo, Are you aware of the little scuffle we had with Men in Chicago?" I scoff at him. Little scuffle is the understatement of the century. We lost 2 men and Enzo came back with enough magazines in his body to reload 2 guns. Honestly, even the doctors don't know how he survived that one. But I nod, letting him know I know what he's talking about.

"Well, bellissima figlia, we've come to a truce with the men over there. They are a part of the Irish Mob, The Walsh Clan." I freeze at his words. A truce means one thing. Marriage. My heart immediately hurts for my brother and sister. I know Enzo loves his girlfriend, Teresa. And Ramona is the biggest romantic of all time. She'll be heartbroken that she has to give up hopes of finding love herself. Whichever one it ends up being, I'll support them.

My father squeezes my hand before motioning to Luca. He opens the door, his scowl from earlier returning. Enzo sits up a bit straighter and all of the men throughout the room touch their straps. The men from outside the office walk in, looking just as intimidating. And they are all looking at me. If I heard correctly, I'm pretty sure Enzo just growled. Looks like Ramona's getting married today. The men sit in the empty chairs to my left, not speaking. Papa clears his throat, catching everyone's attention once again. But his face shows nothing but anguish. It scares me and I slowly let go of his hand, sitting back in my chair.

"Amore mio, These are the Walsh Brothers and their father." He holds his hand in their direction. I don't move. I don't speak. I just stare at my father. He lowers his eyes from my gaze from mine. Nobody speaks for a moment. I finally took the initiative to go find Ramona. She deserves to know her fiance is here. Whichever one is her fiance for that matter. I go to stand, but Papa grabs my wrist, slowly pulling me back into my seat. I feel hands on my shoulder and look up to see Enzo holding me in my chair. Great. Now I'm really nervous.

"This is Jackson Walsh. He's in line to be the leader of their Clan. These are his two brothers, Callum and Connor." I nod slowly, sneaking a glance towards the men. They're still staring at me.

Papa clears his throat for the millionth time before speaking the words that would dam my entire future.

"Eden, in two months you are going to marry Jackson."

Nobody ever prepares you for devastating news. Even when you know it's coming it still never feels real. I had blown out my cake candles less than an hour ago and now I was being married off to some men I have never met and frankly, don't want to know.

"W-what about Ramona?" My older sister, who'll be 22 in a week, is single and most likely the better option for this marriage. I just started my senior year of highschool. She's got a whole degree. And I'm assuming she's more in their age range. Jackson looks like he's at least 25. Papa lets out a labored breath, and I feel Enzo begin to rub my shoulders.

"Piccolo uovo,your sister is...with child." I gasp and by the way Enzo tenses, I'm assuming he didn't know either. But of course, he's not done.

"And Mateo is the father." If Enzo wasn't holding my shoulders, I might've fallen out of my chair. I look at Mateo, the man who I considered a friend my entire childhood. He was only 18 when I was 4. We were both young and loved playing around with each other. And now he's ruined my life. As did my sister. I don't realize I'm crying until Enzo is squatting in front of me.

"No need for tears, Piccolo uovo." He hands me a tissue. "Nessun male per te, te lo prometto." No harm to you, I promise.

For some reason I'm having a hard time believing him.

"Papa, I can't. I blew out my candles less than an hour ago. I'm still in highschool. I-I haven't done anything yet. Please!" I know my mascara is running, but I could care less.

"The contract is signed, Piccolo uovo. There is nothing to be done now." Nothing to be done? He's pathetic.

"You have no right to call me that anymore." I stand abruptly not giving anyone enough time to grab me. I stomp in front of Mateo and flick his bald head so he looks up at me.

"You're a grown man! Don't you know how to wrap it up?" I'm yelling now. I'm pretty sure I hear a laugh coming from behind me, most likely from one of the Walsh's.

"I'm sorry, Eden. I really am. I didn't know this would happen." He's crying. He's crying. I can't look at him. He's like a brother to me. In all honesty, he helped raise me. He knew what could happen, yet he did it anyway. I turn back to my dad, tears running down my face. "Why would you do this to me? What have I done to deserve this?" He just sighs, too much of a coward to respond. I scoff and walk to the door, ripping it open. Everyones still in the living room, but I can tell by Mamma's face that she knows. She knew and she didn't tell me.

Papa whistles extremely loud, causing everyone to look at him. "I'm sure some of you can guess that I have some announcements. For starters, Ramona and Mateo are expecting my first grandchild!" Everyone claps and exclaims, but Ramona only looks at me. I don't think she even knew that the Walsh's were here. But I can see everything clicking in her mind. Enzo just rubs my back in slow circles, trying to calm me down.

"Secondly, Our dear egg, Eden, was just engaged to Jackson Walsh." He motions to Jackson, who steps forward, his smirk long gone. Ramona gasps. So does everyone else. They know who he is. It's not hard to figure it out either. Papa motions for me to step forward.

"Go, egg. I'll be right behind you." Enzo taps me twice, signaling me to get up. I do as I'm told, too tired to keep arguing. As I walk to Papa, I use the tissue I was still holding to wipe my eyes a bit. I don't think I have any tears left in me. Ramona is silently crying into Mateo's shoulder, probably realizing she's ruined my life. She especially, should feel bad for me, knowing about my want for my own love. But this only reminds me why Enzo is my favorite sibling.

When I reach Papa, he pecks my hand before handing it off to Jackson. I look the man in the eyes for the first time. His eyes are gorgeous. Unlike my hazel irises, his are pure green. Bright and inviting, completely different from the dark, lifeless look he always wears. He's tall too. I'm not short, coming in around 5'9, but he still towers over me. He lifts my hand slightly, slipping a diamond ring onto my ring finger. It fits perfectly. It's not obnoxious, which is what I'd expect, rather it's quite simple. A silver band with a medium sized diamond in the middle with two smaller diamonds on either side. It's gorgeous and honestly something I'd pick.

I look back up at him, taking him in again. He leans down, his breath brushing my ear. "I like green on you, lainn." I can't help but blush. I don't get complimented often, mostly because if any guy is close enough to do so, he's family. And they just like to make fun of me. He pulls back a bit, looking me in the eye again. His lips quirk up slightly in sight of my blush.

Papa places a hand on my shoulder, one I shrug off quite quickly. Jackson drops my hands softly, and I immediately retreat to the safehold that is Enzo's arms. He pecks my head, leading me towards the stairs.

"Go to bed, egg. We'll talk more in the morning, alright?" I nod, taking in his scent. I've always sought my comfort from him. He's my rock in the family. Mamma and Ramona are too busy lecturing me to notice when something is wrong, but he always knows.

3 days before the wedding...

As I step forward towards the brothers, I see Jackson run his eyes over me, probably judging my attire. I can't help but notice Callum and Connor doing the same.

Jackson finally steps forward.

"Eden. It's nice to see you." Some greeting from my fiance. He leans in and pecks me on the cheek. I give him a strained smile, trying not to let my discomfort surface. Callum steps forward first. I only know because he's still wearing the ring he wore when he met me.

When he leans in for his peck he brushes his lips against my ear.

"Hello, pretty girl." I can't help but feel a little warm in this big winter coat. That was not the greeting I was expecting from my brother in law.

Connor steps up after him, opting to peck my hand instead. He says nothing, but his eyes speak volumes. There's something they aren't telling me.

After our greetings, we all step in the house. Looking around, all I see is marble and white. It looks stuffy and fake, nothing at all like the brick house we have in New York. We continue walking until we hit a room that has some couches.

"You're all welcome to have to have a seat. I'd like to speak to Eden for a moment." My heart rate increases almost instantly. I expect Papa to argue or at least send someone with me, but no.

"You may. She's yours after all." I swear Enzo growls. Mamma's head is focused on her clasped hands, and I notice Ramona won't even look at me.

I want them to look at me. To see the pain they've caused me. Ramona will marry for love. Enzo will have the choice to. And what do I have? Nothing. I have nothing. Because my father decided that peace between two rival families was more important than his daughter's happiness or wellbeing. He said it himself, I'm his. I have no choices, no rights, no outs.

I'm stuck. With him. A ruthless killer. I knew it would happen one day, but I wish it would've happened later. I wish I had more time to find myself, who I am without a man. I want to know what it's like to graduate, what it's like to see my niece or nephew be born. I want to live. But instead I'm being forced into what could only be a loveless marriage.

I stand on shaky knees. I try to hold back the tears in my eyes, not wanting to show any weakness. I'm sure they can see how glassy they are, but they don't need to see the tears fall.

Jackson places a hand on my lower back, sending a shock up my back. It's an unknown feeling that sends shivers throughout my body. I've been touched before, by Andrew and a few of my fathers handsy partners, but I've never felt this. This current, this electricity.

We walk out of the room, to the one just next to it. It's not until he closes the door that I realize his brothers are with us. I should be dead with how high my heart rate is. I'm surprised Enzo didn't try to follow us. I can only imagine Papa and Matteo trying to reason with him.

Jackson sits behind the grand mahogany desk. I sit in the chair in front of him, with his brothers in either corner of the room. I'm surrounded.

"So Eden, let's talk."

"Talk about what?" I question, entirely genuine. Maria told me to not see him until the day of, but here we are talking. About something, I just haven't figured it out yet.

"Are you on birth control?" I let out a puff of air. "Yes, I started the day after my birthday." Mamma didn't know until a week ago. Maria took me. She said it takes time to get used to it, and she was right. No one would talk to me the first week, because I could go from laughing to crying within seconds.

"Good. We don't need any heirs just yet." He shuffled through some papers on his desk, not looking at me. I took the opportunity to take my coat off, pushing it over the back of the chair. I pulled all my hair to one side to adjust my necklace, when I felt hands on my shoulders. I jumped and turned, startled to see Callum standing behind me.

"What're you doing?" I say, trying to shrug him off. But my shock turns to borderline terror when he plants a peck at the base of my neck. I freeze, not knowing what's happening. My fiance is sitting across from me and his brother is pecking me. And no one in my family is here. If they find out, they'll either kill him or me.

"You smell so sweet, Eden." His hand grasps my jaw, tilting my head to the side for better access. I stop moving, not out of fear, but something else. This doesn't feel bad. His warm mouth against my cold skin is creating this tingling sensation along my neck. My knuckles turn white from holding onto the chair handles. When I peek out of the corner of my eye, I can see Jackson watching us. What is happening?

When Callum reaches just beside my mouth he stops. "I'm saving these lips for later, Angel." My breaths are quick and sharp, not being able to process what he just did.

"Did you like that, Eden? Because there will be a lot more of that." I turn to look at Jackson, who is smirking slightly.

"I'm not the only one you're marrying, Eden. You'll be marrying all 3 of us."

I stop breathing all together.

"Y-you can't do that. My father won't allow it!" I sit forward in my chair. This can't be real. This can not be real.

"Oh really? Eden, your father knew from the moment we proposed. Your whole family knows. Look at your engagement ring. It has three diamonds, one for each of us. So, yes I can. We can."

I look at Callum and Connor, who are both wearing small smirks. I stand abruptly and walk to the door. Nobody stops me. I run back to the room my family is in, all of them where I left them.

"Why, Papa, why?" I know from his face he knows what I'm talking about. I look between him and Enzo. My protectors, my saviors. I know Luca knows, and so does Maria. And nobody told me. Warned me. Nothing.

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