I walked towards the shut door and softly knocked while opening it.

"Hey babe, I brought you-" I gasped at the sight. He was undressed with this girl bent over his desk.

"Babe, I can explain." He quickly sprouted off.

"Don't bother,prick!!!" I spat.


"Babe," I said giggling, "stop! I can't breathe!"

He didn't let up and kept attacking my sides.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked between laughs.

"Because I love your laugh." He said huskily.

He stopped and noticed our position and smirked. He was currently straddling my hips, our pelvic bones almost touching.

He lowered so our breaths were mixed and his lips almost touching mine. I made the bold move and grabbed the chain around his neck to bring his lips down on mine.

It started getting heated and I felt his jr. friend waking up. He also started to move his hands up and down my sides, and at one point went under my shirt. He rubbed the edge of my lacy bralette, he didn't stop. He cupped my chest outside of the bra. He went to try and take the bralette off and that is when I broke the peck by gently pushing him off of me.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked breathlessly.

"You know why Ace." I said softly, knowing he was going to get upset.

"We are engaged, we are getting married in 2 weeks, why are you still stuck on this?" He asked frustrated.

"It's just something I always dreamed about, you said you understood."

"We are practically married. You even live here with me. Why wait for some stupid piece of paper and some preacher to tell us we can peck?"

"Ace, I know you don't like it, but please? Imagine how great it will be that night."

He shook his head and got off of me.

"I have to get to work." He grumbled, pulling out clothes.

"On a Saturday morning?"

"We have a client paying good money to get his car first thing Monday." He said gruffly.

"Ok, what time will you be home?"

He shrugged. He pulled on a grey wife beater to cover his fit and undressed torso, efficiently hiding a good amount of his tattoos.

"I'll have dinner ready by 6."

He nodded pulling on a beat-up button-down, then rolling his sleeves up to expose his tattooed sleeves.

"Ace please don't be mad, we talked about this when we first started dating."

"I know."

I sighed and got up out of bed and came behind him. I put my arms around his torso and laid my head on his very muscular back.

"I love you." I mumbled into his back.

"I love you too kiska."

I smiled at his use of his home language, and his signature nickname for me.

"I wish you'd teach me."

"Net kiska, I love you but if I teach you then how would our children and I talk behind your back?"

I playfully smacked him, turning and going out of the room to the living room.

He came out of the bedroom laughing.


"Didn't you say you had a car to go fix or something?"

He laughed and leaned in for a peck, I gave him a small peck.

"I'll see you later." He said still laughing a little.

He left and I thought about dinner, I was really craving Italian, but we didn't have everything for it. Thankfully we still had some food money left in the budget.

I ended up walking to the store to save money, plus it was only about a mile so it's good for me.

After I finished at the store, I decided to visit Ace. His mechanic shop was pretty close, so I went back into the store and bought him his favorite drink, a monster.

After arriving I saw Matthew, his apprentice at the front desk.

He heard the bell chime and turned around.

"Hello, welcome in, what can I- oh, hello Ms. Elizabeth. How are you doing today?"

"I'm good, thank you, Matthew. How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you. Boss is in his office."

I nodded and thanked him.

I walked towards the shut door and softly knocked while opening it.

"Hey babe, I brought you-" I gasped at the sight. He was undressed with this girl bent over his desk.

I dropped the groceries and heard some break, but I didn't care. I also knew I was crying.

"You prick!" I yelled and chucked his drink at his head, unfortunately, he was able to dodge it.

"Babe, I can explain." He quickly sprouted off. He looked like he might cry, but I didn't care.

"Don't bother." I spat.

I turned and ran out crying. Matthew caught me, but I kept pushing at him.

"Ma'am let me take you home."

I nodded. We quickly went outside and got in his car.

As we were pulling forward out of the parking lot I saw Ace running after us trying to get to us.

I threw my engagement ring out the window towards him, I heard muffled shouts and just flipped him off as we quickly drove out of the parking lot.

"Where to ma'am?"

"I need to go to the house to gather my things and then we can go to the airport."

He nodded and he sped us there, knowing Ace wouldn't be far behind.

I prayed Ace wouldn't come after me so I could just leave and never look back. Another part wanted him to come after me to tell me I imagined everything.

I knew he'd follow, but I also know what I saw and it was real. My love had cheated on me and broken our relationship.

As Matthew and I pulled in, I ran in not waiting for the car to even come to a complete stop. Shortly after Ace pulled up, and as much as I liked Matthew, I knew he wouldn't stand a chance against Ace either verbally or physically. He wouldn't even try, because he knows he'll lose.

As I finished my small bag, he ran in.

"Elizabeth please listen to me."

"NO! No! You do not get to ask that after I found you in your office screwing some girl on your desk. Did you even have a car to work on? Did you even care that you and I were getting married in 2 weeks? Did you not think that I would find out? What getting laid that important that you were willing to sacrifice us?" He reached out and opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"I'm leaving Ace. And you will never see me again."

"No. I can't live without you."

"You should have thought about that before you sleep with other girl."

I was practically sobbing and I couldn't take it anymore.

I quickly left and escaped his arms that tried to catch me.

"Goodbye Ace, have a great life."


"I will take a large double americano with brev." The man in front of me ordered. Making me question what he was meaning.

"Sir, just to clarify, you would like six shots of espresso with half and half?"

He frowned slightly, obviously perturbed I had to ask. "Yes."

He paid and I got to work making his coffee. If it was one thing I didn't like, it was people pretending to know everything about coffee and try to sound above others.

I loved my job other than those few people. I owned a quiet little coffee shop. It made a good amount of money, but wasn't nearly as busy as a Starbucks or another brand was. I was content to just make coffee all day and get to know people.

As I closed up the shop around six at night I walked home. Home wasn't a huge house or even a house at all. It was an apartment, however it was a nice size and was comfortable.

I looked down at my phone after feeling a buzz.


Girls night tonight

What do you say?


I'm in, needing some good


I'm in!


Sorry girls, rain check for me. It's date night.

I awake the next day to a text from my best friend, Grace.


Heyy Lizi, soooooooo

I looked away and groaned, what did she do now. I waited for the next text to see if I would have to bail her out of jail or something like that.

my car is broken, and I honestly don't remember what was wrong

but the guy kept saying things and I looked them up and it all just sounded false

anyway, I know something is wrong with it

so I need to get it fixed (obvs)

and I want to go to this one place like an hour away because it is really good and known for being really good

I sighed. She has a tendency to draw things out way more than necessary and it was starting to annoy me this morning.

will you go with me? I don't want to go alone, and you and I haven't had some non alcoholic quality time for a while..........


Yeah I'll come, when did you need to go?


EEEKKKKK YAY!!! Ok, um I'll book an appointment and hopefully it will be soon. If I can't get a weekend would you be good with a Friday afternoon?


Yeah, I'll just get some people to cover the store so let me know.


Yay!! Ok love you I'll talk to you later!!

I laughed at her and smiled.

Finally Friday came and I did not really want to get out of bed. I did my normal routine, but got dressed in much more relaxed clothes and basically no makeup. I was looking forward to me and Grace spending time together for almost the whole day. An hour isn't too far away, but it is long enough to have a really good conversation.

After waiting all morning I got a text telling me she had arrived and she wanted me to meet her downstairs. After getting in the car we started talking about everything and anything we could, just constant chatter and the drive felt like nothing.

We soon pulled into the parking lot and got out. I was nervous for her, I know she doesn't like dealing with cars and the last mechanic was obviously just trying to drain her of cash. I just prayed this person was better, as she claimed.

We talked about a lot, but she was asking a lot about my home town and where I was from so after beating around the bush I told her that the town we were going to was my home town. After telling her that my last relationship was the main reason I left she almost swerved off the road.

"Why haven't you ever told me this? Why was I never aware?"

I shrugged. "I didn't want to bring it up or talk about it. I am not wanting to relive the past so I chose to go forward into the future."

"Would you ever go back? Like not like this but like on your own? Or would you come back for someone?"

She knew I was an orphan so I knew she was meaning my ex.

"I actually have a foster mom that I really loved."

"Really? Then why did she not adopt you?"

"She was too old and so was I, I was 17 so the court wouldn't care if someone did want to adopt me they would reject it. But I called her mama. She is the sweetest old lady, I love her to pieces. I would come back if she asked. I know it would be a drive for Damien and me, but we would make it work."

"Does she know why you left?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I told her everything as I cried on her shoulder. She completely understood and accepts Damien, but didn't like him at first for some reason. Maybe she thought he would be like my ex."

I laughed at the memory of this short old lady threatening Damien with a wood baseball bat. He was actually scared of her, and his is more than a foot taller than her.

We continued talking about small things and occasionally she asked a question or two about my past but we pulled into the car shop all too soon.

We got out and were walking into the building as I smelt a very familiar scent that I will never forget. He's here.

I immediately started to panic, I turned and went right back out the door.

How did I not know this was his? They must have moved locations, or opened up another. I shakily pulled out my phone and texted out a quick message to Grace saying that I needed to stay outside and to come out when she was done.

I had to figure out a way to get away from here so I wouldn't run into him. Soon enough she came out and I explained that I smelled my ex, and I did not want to see him.

"Oh, well you might be able to get over him. The guy in there is so hot! I kept trying but he didn't want anything to do with me. I didn't see a ring so he is available."

I hummed. "Describe him?"

"Tall, muscular, his face is sharp and obviously hot, he has blue eyes-"

"That have a hint of grey." I finished nodding.

"Um, yeah, how did you know?"

"That is my ex-fianc."

"Oh." Is all she said.

"Yeah, oh."

We sat outside for some time while someone came out to take her car into the garage. I prayed that if I stayed out here I wouldn't run into him at all.

After about an hour they called her inside and someone drove her car around. I told her I would wait in the car and she gave my a sympathetic smile.

I got in and started getting nostalgic and staring off into space. I started relaxing knowing that I got away from here without seeing him.

I got a feeling that I was trying to figure out, was I happy or was I sad? I have to admit I got a little jealous when Grace was saying that she thought he was hot and was trying to flirt with him. I also got happy when she didn't succeed and when she said he didn't have a ring on.

I heard a knock at the window and unlocked the door thinking it was Grace. But the door didn't open, instead another knock rang out on my window. I looked up and my stomach dropped. I barely had enough oxygen to function.

I saw the mesmerizing blue/grey eyes that I always got trapped in. I slowly made my way out of the car, standing in front of him. The man of my nightmares and dreams.


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